Born Readers Workshops and Consulting
In addition to workshops, and training opportunities, Born Readers offers consultation services. I can assist with selection of quality children's books for classrooms, waiting rooms, and special events, with particular attention paid to cultural and developmental appropriateness. Born Readers can also provide individual consultation for educators, organizations and caregivers wanting to create a literacy-rich environment.
Professional Development Workshops
These workshops are geared to help preschool educators, librarians and caregivers generate a practical plan to involve parents in supporting their child's growth as readers and writers, with special attention to identifying and overcoming obstacles to effective parent participation.
Born Readers offers a variety of workshops ranging from 45 minutes to three hours in length.
The workshops can be tailored to fit the time constraints and particular needs of individual organizations.
Busy with Books

This workshop instructs early childhood educators and caregivers on choosing age-appropriate, quality books that promote children's literacy development. Topics include: how to build a book collection; the role of books in play; strategies for involving parents; and teaching children to handle books with care.
Parents as Partners

This workshop helps preschool and elementary school teachers and caregivers generate a practical plan to involve parents in supporting their child's growth as readers and writers, with special attention to identifying and overcoming obstacles to effective parent participation.
Raising a Reader

This workshop offers parents and/or teachers proven tips on helping their children become lifelong readers. Participants receive practical advice on what to read to children and how to make it a mutually rewarding shared activity.
Books Celebrating African Americans
Parents, teachers and caregivers are introduced to age-appropriate books that can help enhance the self-esteem of preschool through elementary school-aged African American children.
Participants also receive advice on using these books to generate a respect for this rich culture in all children.
Books, Growth, and Healing

This workshop teaches participants to use picture books to promote healthy development. Teachers, caregivers, or social service providers learn to select quality, issue-oriented books that can help children cope with stressful situations and develop strategies to encourage meaningful responses to books. The power of the story, rather than bibliotherapy, is emphasized.
Windows on the World

Studies show that children engaged in books are likely to feel positively about their own and others' ethnicity. This workshop offers information on the importance of books in educating children about cultural and ethnic diversity. Participants learn to judge the quality, appeal, and authenticity of picture books.
Print and Play

This workshop prepares early childhood teachers to create opportunities for literacy learning throughout their classrooms. After reviewing the principles of emergent literacy, participants learn low- and no-cost ways to enrich and structure their classrooms to encourage more active involvement in reading and writing.
Read to a Child Today!

Designed for tutoring and mentoring programs, this workshop prepares volunteers to add regular read-aloud sessions to their work with children. Participants will receive booklists and tipsheets on reading aloud, and will be introduced to surefire books that will hold children's attention, provide mutual enjoyment, and stimulate an interest in reading.
Technology, Literacy and Young Children (0-5)
Combining the latest research and day-to-day experiences from a variety of library settings, this course provides an in-depth look at media mentorship and how to support families with young children in the digital age. Topics covered will include early literacy, family engagement, diversity, and the digital divide. Coursework and discussions will cover the three types of media mentorship: media advisory and evaluation, programming (storytime) and supported access to curated content.
Beginning with Books
This workshop instructs early childhood educators and caregivers on choosing age-appropriate, quality books that promote children's literacy development. Topics include: how to build a book collection, the role of books in play; strategies for involving parents; and teaching children to handle books with care. Participants also receive booklists to get them started.